Under our Special Offers section some of the services and treatments we offer can be combined together. By doing so you not only get more out of your trip but you can get a better deal too. Let us help you to find the best deals and mix them into a real bargain.
Please tell us wich services are you interested in so we can create a package deal just for You based on Your needs!
Extra Teeth Whitening Offer
Save money! Every Wednesday and Friday between 8-12 am our Clinic offers Teeth Whitening for $ 270 with a free professional teeth cleaning (scaling-polishing-prophyflex: current price $ 100 )
Nobel Biocare Implant Offer
Change your removable overdenture to a fixed bridge and smile with confidence! Now every sixth implant is offered half-priced!
Aesthetic Offer
Change now your old bridge to a new aesthetic one (porcelain-fused-to-metal, circon and Procera). Every tenth crown is given for free!
Orthodontic Offer
Now you can buy the most aesthetic Clarity orthodontic bracket for $ 820 which current price is $ 950.
There can be areas you may want to have more or specific data on. Always ask us on the topics you need more information on and we will do our best to make you satisfied.