Laser vision correction, or laser eye surgery as it is also commonly called, is a procedure which uses a cool beam of light from an excimer laser to gently reshape your cornea. Delicate reshaping of the cornea, which acts as the front ‘window’ to the eye, will correct the eye’s focal point, allowing for clearer vision.
Over 22 million patients around the world have already benefited from the corrective effects of laser vision surgery. Capable of treating vision problems such as short sightedness (myopia), far sightedness (hypermetropia or hyperopia) and astigmatism (uneven focusing ability), laser vision correction has become the most common elective surgical procedure in the world.
Patients who are suitable candidates for laser vision correction can enjoy lasting clear vision after undergoing a 10 minute outpatient procedure. After this you can be free to enjoy the active, vibrant lifestyle you have always wanted, without concerning yourself with glasses and contact lenses.
If you would like to undertake testing for eligibility or would simply like more information about the procedure, get in touch with us here.
Have you been thinking of having LASIK Laser Refraction to correct myopia but are put off by the high cost? Or do you need cataract surgery or glaucoma treatment, and like the idea of combining these treatments with an overseas holiday?
LASIK (Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis) is currently the best method of correction of refractive errors, nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. It is accurate, effective and safe. If you enjoy an active lifestyle, are self-conscious about wearing glasses or simply wish to wake up to a clearer world without the aid of eyeglasses, then LASIK could be your perfect solution for a brighter future.
Patient Selection
Is is extremely important to determine who is a suitable candidate for LASIK surgery. You must meet the basic criteria:
- You are at least 18 years old
- You have had a stable vision for at least one year
- You must not be pregnant or have been breastfeeding in the last 3 months
- You have no existing eye diseases such as; keratoconus, thin corneas, corneal inflammatory disease, herpetic keratitits and autoimmune diseases
Results are generally very satisfactory and it has been reported that in carefully selected cases more than 90% ahcieve unaided visual acuity of 6/12 or better.
Cataract Surgery Overseas
What is cataract?
The human eye has a natural lens, which is normally transparent and forms a clear image of the outside world in the eye. When this lens develops haziness/opacity, the sight is decreased or may be even completely lost. This is called cataract.
What are the symptoms?
The most important symptom of cataract is a decrease in vision for distance and/or near objects. Other features can be decreased vision in bright or low light, decreased contrast, altered colour appreciation, seeing many images of one object, rapid changes in the number/power of glasses, or sometimes pain, redness and eye watering. In advanced cases there is a complete loss of vision and the pupil becomes pearly white in colour.
What is the treatment of cataract?
Once it is confirmed that the patient has cataract, the treatment is essentially surgical. Whenever the patient feels their vision has decreased to a level where it interferes with their daily activities surgery can be performed before the cataract gets mature. The surgeries performed for cataract are:
- Phacoemulsification PHACO with foldable IOL
- Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) with Intra-ocular Lens (IOL) Implantation
PHACO is a very small incision (only about 3mm) made into the clear part of the eye (cornea) and the hard core (nucleus) of the lens converted into a soft pulp using high frequency sound waves and sucked out. Then a foldable lens (IOL) is injected through the small incision and positioned into the capsular bag.
The main advantages of this operation are early rehabilitation and decreased occurrence of astigmatism (cylindrical power in glasses). The procedure is performed under local or topical anaesthesia.
Intra-ocular Lenses (IOL)
Intra-ocular Lenses (IOL) are small 5-7mm lenses made of a soft polymer (Silicone or Acrylic) and are implanted inside the eye in place of the natural lens. The greatest advantage of IOL is a clear wide field of vision and the fact that the patient does not have to constantly wear thick glasses.
However, glasses with low power may still be required for reading distant and near small print because unlike natural lenses the IOL has a fixed power which is usually adjusted such that the mid-range or routine viewing distances are seen clearly. Since the IOL stays in the eye throughout life, no compromise should be made on the quality of the IOL.
Multifocal IOLs offer the advantage of clear distant and near vision hence, reduce the dependence on glasses, but suffer the disadvantage of lower contrast, lower colour saturation and a subjective compromise in image quality.
SICS (Small Incision Cataract Surgery)
SICS has virtually replaced the conventional cataract surgery for difficult situations. Here, although the incision made is slightly larger (5-6mm) and the nucleus is removed using fluid pressure, yet no stitches are required and the recovery is much faster and more comfortable than the conventional surgery.
To conclude, the surgeon, the surgical technique and the quality of the IOL are no the only factors that decide the result of cataract surgery. It also depends on the condition of the eye, the cornea, the retina and the presence of systemic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, infections, etc.
The quality of the operation theatres, the ancillary and the backup facilities, the training of the support staff, etc also have a significant influence on the success of the surgery. Ensuring good quality in all these areas leads to an increase in the surgical cost for the patient, but it must be understood that our eyes are worth a lot more. Email this to a Friend!
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